Scam 2003 Web Series 2023 – The Scam 2003: The Curious Case of Abdul Karim Telgi” is the tentative identify for a brand new web collection that will be available on a streaming website online. This collection is a continuation of the “Scam” franchise and will awareness on the lifestyles of Abdul Telgi, a con artist whose faux stamp paper scheme is assumed to be well worth Rs 20,000 crores. In 2003, Telgi and plenty of government officers had been worried within the multi-country stamp paper rip-off.”
After the fulfillment of Scam 1992, SonyLIV is releasing some other economic mystery web collection titled Scam 2003: The Curious Case of Abdul Karim Telgi. The collection is about the existence of Abdul Telgi, who dedicated a scam worth Rs 20,000 crores thru fake stamp papers. The rip-off worried many authorities officials and bureaucrats in multiple states and passed off in 2003. The series will observe Telgi’s lifestyles from childhood to his conviction for the rip-off.
Scam 2003 Web Series Overview
Name of the series | Scam 2003 |
Directed by | Hansal Mehta |
Total parts till now | one |
Upcoming 2nd part | Scam 2003: The Curious Case of Abdul Karim |
Name of the Article | Scam 2003 Web Series Release Date, Cast, OTT Platform – Gagan Dev Riar [Scam2003] |
Mode | Online |
Scam 2003 release date | The year 2023 [as expected] |
Scam 2003 trailer release date | June 2023 [as expected] |
Status | Online |
Year | 2023 |
Watch Scam 2003 On | |
Star cast For Scam 2003
Gagan Dev Riar will play the lead role of Abdul Karim in the web series “Scam 2003.” The trailer for the series was released on YouTube on October 9, 2022, and the show will be available on an OTT platform. Gagan Dev Riar is an experienced actor, director, and writer. It is recommended that viewers watch the series.
Scam 2003 Web Series Story Line
The Scam 2003 web series is the second installment of the Scam franchise and its cast is yet to be confirmed. It follows the success of the first installment, Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story. The series will be directed by Tushar Hiranandani and written by Hansal Mehta, who also directed and wrote the first installment respectively. The series is based on the book “Reporter Ki Diary” by journalist Sanjay Singh who broke the story of the scam. The shoot for Scam 2003 will start in April and Gagan Dev Riar will play the lead role of Abdul Karim Telgi. The star cast and other crew details are yet to be revealed. Kiran Yadnyopavit, a Marathi writer, is co-writing the series with Sanjay Singh.
Scam 2003 Release Date
Details about the cast and main characters of Scam 2003 web series have not been confirmed yet, but you can click here for more information. Scam 2003 will be a follow-up to the successful Scam 1992, directed by Hansal Mehta. It will focus on the life of Abdul Karim Telgi, and filming is expected to begin later this year. The show will premiere on Sony LIV TV on October 9, 2022. Production for the web series started in March. Stay tuned for updates.
SCAM 2003 – OTT Platform Release Date 2023
“Scam 2003 is the upcoming second part of the popular web series Scam 1992, set to be released in 2023. The official release date is yet to be announced, but it is expected to be released on the Sony LIV OTT platform. The trailer is expected to be released in June 2023. Stay tuned to this page for more updates on Scam 2003.”
Who is Abdul Karim Telgi?
Abdul Karim Telgi’s illegal activities began with fake passport creation, and later he produced bogus stamp papers which were sold to banks, insurance firms and stock trading companies. He purchased old stamp paper printing equipment from auctions. Despite support from police and administrative staff, Telgi was arrested in 2001 and sentenced to 30 years in prison in 2007. Telgi passed away in 2017 due to organ failure. A film called Mudrank (The Stamp) was made based on his life in 2008 but was never released due to Telgi’s legal actions against the filmmakers. Actor Rohit Roy played Telgi’s character in the 2020 web series Paper, which was released on the Ullu App.
When Will Be Release Scam 2003 Series In Sony LIV 2023?
The official release date for the Scam 2003 series on Sony LIV has not been announced yet, but it is expected to be released in 2023. The trailer for the series is expected to be released in June 2023. Keep an eye on official announcements from Sony LIV for more information on the release date.
How Can I Watch Scam 2003 Web Series?
If you’re interested in watching the Scam 2003 web series, it will be available for streaming exclusively on the Sony LIV OTT platform. To watch the show, you will need to subscribe to Sony LIV, which is a subscription-based service. You can either sign up for a monthly or annual subscription, depending on your preference. Once you have subscribed, you can watch Scam 2003 on any device that supports Sony LIV, such as smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, or computers. The series will be released on Sony LIV in 2023, but an official release date has not been announced yet. Keep an eye on the platform for further updates on the release of Scam 2003.
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